There is no better investment than a Best Selling Branded Tote Handbags Trending, if you’re thinking about treating yourself to something designer. They can last well over a decade if properly looked for, and unlike some other expensive items in your closet, you can wear the same purse every day without anyone noticing. To that point, most of us rely on our handbags in our everyday lives, which is just another incentive to invest in one that you adore. Even better, we identified ten inexpensive designer purses that you’ll adore.
Loewe Small Logo Straw Tote
This handbag is a vacation in miniature. For $429, it’s the embodiment of beach chic, made of palm-leaf straw with calfskin leather accent.
See By Chloe Hana Leather & Suede Cross body
This cross body bag is stunning, made of real leather and featuring the famous Chloe ring front and center. Plus, because to its enough room for a wallet, phone, keys, and more for only $450, reviewers swear by it for everyday usage.
Mansur Gavriel Mini Leather Bucket Bag
We love bucket bags, and for $465 this one improves the casual, slouchy structure with cowhide leather, simple gold studs, and an overall streamlined design.
Staud Rey Bag
Staud applied a classic material (croc-embossed leather) to a futuristic design. The end product is amazing, and we’re thrilled that it’s available in four neutral tones for only $325.
Coach Tabby 18 Pillow Leather Shoulder Bag
The subtlety of the classic “C” clasp on this shoulder bag has us squeezing it tight and never letting go for only $394.